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4 min read

TradePMR’s White-Glove Service – Not Just Lip Service

Mar 30, 2022 2:31:27 PM

How TradePMR’s approach to service and support is designed to fit the unique needs of RIAs

“White-glove service” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot. It seems like every vendor boasts white-glove service, but what does that really mean?

While we can’t speak for every company, we know what white-glove service means at TradePMR. It means timeliness, experience, and connectivity.

How do these factors impact how we work with RIAs? Continue reading to learn more.


If you’re running an RIA firm, you’re more than just an advisor - you’re an entrepreneur. The demand for your time is likely split between serving your clients, managing your business, and supporting your team. Depending on where you are at on your growth journey, you could be working on the business at the same time you are working in the business.

With this full workload, we believe RIAs deserve a custodial service provider that is there when you need them. A provider that is dedicated to answering your questions quickly, and fully. That’s why we prioritize timeliness at TradePMR.

We all know the feeling of being stuck on hold to get support from a vendor, waiting for what feels like an eternity to eventually get ahold of someone who can help. Any way you cut it, that wait is a waste of time – time that is too valuable for RIAs to spare.

That’s why TradePMR doesn’t have a call center. No long waits, just access to people who know you by name, and are empowered to help.

RIAs like VIPs


TradePMR’s service team is 100% committed to helping RIAs. With this specific focus, RIAs can be confident that they’re receiving insights and assistance that makes sense for their business, not just any advisory firm under the sun.

While some providers may look to offer a cookie-cutter approach to custodial services, TradePMR believes that RIAs deserve a more nuanced approach. One that is specifically designed to meet their needs, address their challenges, and help them seize their opportunities.

With a support team fully focused on serving RIAs, advisors can be confident that whatever challenges they face, we’ve been there before. We understand your unique position and are ready to help.



Our focus on RIAs extends past our team and into our technology. TradePMR’s Fusion platform was developed with RIA’s needs front-and-center. Interested in learning more about our technology? Join us for a demo of Fusion.



White-glove service at TradePMR goes beyond timely responses from an RIA-focused support team, it means consistent connectivity.

When advisors submit a request to our team, they know where the request stands, which TradePMR department is working on the request, and when they can expect an update. Having this clear vision into our processes can help advisors feel confident that we are addressing their requests and will have a response for them soon.

What’s more, advisors can act on this information when needed. For example, if advisors ever have a question about a submitted request, they know exactly who to contact. And when they reach out, that contact will know exactly what they’re asking about.

No need to repeat your request on the phone to 10 different people, just connect with the TradePMR team members tackling your request. They’ll have the information you need so you can get back to running your business and serving your clients.

So, what does white-glove service look like at your custodian?

If your vendors boast white-glove service but are missing the mark on timeliness, experience, and connectivity, we should talk. We believe TradePMR’s white-glove service is more than lip service, and we’re here to show you why.


Written by TradePMR